Welcome to
Bellport United Methodist Church!
Reverend Matthew Querns, Pastor
PO Box 460
185 South Country Road
Bellport NY 11713 631-286-0525
Sunday Worship Service
is held at 9:30 pm
The Bellport United Methodist Church is open
for in-person attendance. Mask wearing is optional.
You are welcome to join our Sunday Worship Services
at home using Zoom by clicking on this link:
Dial in: (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID: 631 286 0525 & Password 11713
or Facebook Live Stream

[Also see Sunday Bulletin (above) or Newsletter for details]
Food Collection, THIS WEEK!: 1st Sunday of each month
Men's Breakfast: 2nd Saturday of each month, 9 am in the church
Prayer Service: Monday-Friday, 7 am (via Zoom)
Youth Bible Study: Wednesdays, 7:30 pm (via Zoom)
Choir Rehearsal: Thursdays, 7 pm (Church Sanctuary)